Monday, February 17, 2020

Transformers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Transformers - Essay Example Transformers surfaced a number of years ago with its first movie debut in 2007. The movie was able to capture imaginations across the globe with its sophisticated graphics and depiction of cars turning into robots and back to cars again. In addition, the thrilling tale that bound the first Transformer movie kept me on the edge of my seat, waiting for more Transformer action and drama. Needless to say, the sequel to the first Transformer movie was bigger, better and more breath taking. The second part of Transformers has captured my attention since its inception since 2009, even though there have been other sequels as well. The second movie built upon the concepts delineated in the first movie and refined the conception of transforming robots and their mission further. Improved graphics, a stunning cast and a thrilling action story coupled to a strong plot made for an unforgettable movie. Living a routine life, I could not help appreciate the capricious nature of events depicted that assumed larger than life dimensions as two species of robots battled for control of their fates. The very label of the second movie, â€Å"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen† speaks volumes of the intent behind this movie. Although there have been other sequels of the Transformer movie series, but the groundwork laid in this particular sequel is unmatched. Primarily, when Transformers’ second movie is compared to contemporary cinema, it becomes clear that the concept existed at the margins and this movie brought this concept to the limelight in an unmatched fashion. A number of different science fiction movies dotted cinemas and imaginations across the globe but none of them depicted entire herds of robots, each with its own distinct character and flavour. The very idea of two divergent robot herds battling each other for control of certain resources on planet Earth to dominate the other seemed out of the mundane and ordinary

Monday, February 3, 2020

Family Medical Leave Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Family Medical Leave Act - Essay Example Until 1993, workers were at the mercy of their employer's demands, and would often be forced to resign to accommodate their sick child or ailing parent. Larger workforces usually had some form of a leave of absence, but there was no standardization or legal protection to guarantee that your job would still be waiting for you when you returned. In 1993, President Clinton signed the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) that guaranteed US workers that they would have some amount of legal protection if they are forced to take time off from work to take care of a sick family member, or help a woman through the childbirth period. While the intent of the FMLA is simple enough, there are myriad caveats and regulations that enact the legislation. The 1993 FMLA, and subsequent amendments, have created a law that allows time off to be taken by an immediate family member to care for a sick or injured relative. The time frame allowed is generally 12 weeks, though this may vary in specific situations. Because the law attempts to accommodate a wide range of scenarios, and anticipate the application of the law, it has numerous special provisions and entitlements. The purpose of this paper will be to clearly define the eligibility requirements for FMLA leave. This paper will explain what is required to obtain a leave under FMLA. It will present examples of the proper use of the FMLA, as well as the improper use of the Act. This paper will examine the potential for fraud and abuse under the law, and what is currently done to eliminate or reduce these cases. In addition, it will explain the penalty for abuse, and attempt to reveal why abuse may be difficult to identify and punish. It will accomplish these goals by examining the law fr om the standpoint of the individual as well as the organization. While this paper will strive to be complete, it is recognized that the number of specific rules, regulations, and exceptions makes a full and detailed explanation beyond the scope of this paper. The paper will cover the most widely used, and most common requests that are made to employers by workers that have a family member in need of care. Brief Historical Background The 1993 Act was finally passed and signed into law by President Clinton after two unsuccessful attempts were vetoed by President George Bush SR. in the 101st and 102nd Congresses. A Senate Report from the time noted the "demographic revolution" of the time, as well as the increasing numbers of women in the workforce, the number of adults who care for their parents, and the growing number of single parent families (Lee, 1993, 8). The Senate further contended that these numbers would have "profound consequences for the lives of working men and women and their families" (Lee, 1993, 8). In essence, single parent homes left sick children with no caregiver except the breadwinner, and aging adults that would be left to the mercy of the welfare system. In passing the FMLA in 1993 Congress stated that the Act was to "provide job security as well as a proper balance between work and family life for employees, resulting in increased worker productivity for employers" (Lee, 1993, 9). At the tim e the bill was passed, private employers had "failed to adequately respond to economic and social changes that intensified the tensions between work and